Monday, February 22, 2010

Ceramic Kitchen Wares On Sale Is It Legal To Take Pictures Of Someone's Merchandise For Sale At A Festival?

Is it legal to take pictures of someone's merchandise for sale at a Festival? - ceramic kitchen wares on sale

I was at a weekend festival and the people here and there, selling their own products. I have pictures of random things as usual, at random. I broke a couple of bad table with an old ceramics - the lady at the table longer, waved their hands before buying things, scream, "You can not pictures of this bla bla bla", but I recognized then.

I do not use it for commercial or not. They were very common type of Flow Blue Willow pitching and reduces the cooking time - this lady from a personal works of art or intellectual property. Can I take pictures of what you, as to a festival? Or is it advisable to ask every person who has something interesting photo for meand if I may? And bring a folder with disclaimers haha. Thank you.


  1. It is not illegal, but it is always better to ask first.

    The people are very paranoid about these things for any number of reasons.

  2. There are laws and then there's ethics.

    In a case like that the local operators, whether you can take photos and seller to people who bet your ass I can be with her win.

    Legally, you probably can, but must ask ethical. This is a courtesy. As the opening of the door or let someone in traffic. There is no legal obligation, but that is exactly what you are doing.

  3. Ask and ye shall receive. Or not.
