Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Vegeta Goku Doujin How Many Times Does Vegeta Say Goku In Dragon Ball Z?

How many times does Vegeta say Goku in Dragon ball z? - vegeta goku doujin

Kakarotto always knew that I could only once in the set of android goku story ever told


  1. Twice he had Majin and if he did not know that Goku, because I knew him, was as Kakarot

  2. Nappa () of hell: Hey, Vegeta! How often have you said Goku?

    Vegeta: It's more than nine miles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...

    Vegeta pulls his fist in anger, but there is nothing broken into small pieces that he has forgotten, no longer wears a crawler.

    Nappa: What! There is no way that can be good ... Is that all?

  3. Well, he once said in the Saiyan Saga Goku, once in the Namek Saga or Frieza + Saga on the android or mentioned ... so thats 3 times viewed. I think the whole time HES Goku said.
